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Tapio Alhosuo seeking new lines at Norway

Searching For Doseth – The Dark Art of Crack Climbing

Tapio Alhonsuo tells how Hans Christian Doseth has influenced his climbing. Doseth’s routes had played a big part in my slow progress of learning the dark art of crack climbing, and I celebrated every time when I was successful with his routes. I made my first climbing trip to Norway over a decade ago. It was an overwhelming …

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The First Finns in Ice Climbing World Cup

Tapio Alhonsuo recalls last January when he entered the Ice Climbing World Cup with Enni Bertling, Mira Alhonsuo and Albert Kaikkonen as the first ever Finnish participants. Finland hadn’t had a competitor in the Ice World Cup ever. That was just lousy. Entering the Ice World Cup has been one of my lifelong dreams. It …

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Kitka beer and bratwurst tour 2015

Hello dear readers, Few weeks ago we packed the car and headed south to Friedrichshafen, Germany for Oudoor 2015 trade show. It was a long drive through Europe (and even longer coming back home), but certainly worth the effort. At the show we met gym owners, route setters, climbers, people behind other climbing hold brands, …

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